She may not be Lord Voldemort, but she is as heartless…and that makes her just as horrible as him. Rita Skeeter, portrayed by Miranda Richardson, has a height of 5'5' (1.65 m). She acquires her information due to her being an unregistered animagus. She uses a poison-pen in her journalism, a magical device which elaborates information to create sensationalist and often false, stories. One quarter truth to three quarters rubbish.' J. Rita Skeeter is the head journalist of the wizarding newspaper, The Daily Prophet. I imagine she immediately dashed off a biography of Harry after he defeated Voldemort.
Her words are as pointy as a knife and pierce through the skin of all she degrades through her reporting. Answer: Well we dont really have to guess because according to Rowling- > 'Naturally, what could stop Rita from still reporting. She is villainous though she does not physically harm others. She aims to harm others through her publications and doesn’t care if she upsets others, as long as she gets a hot story and a positive reaction from her readers. Her lies are foul, and her intent is cruel.

So, while Skeeter may not use the Cruciatious Curse on her enemies, she is still able to elicit great pain and suffering in her victims. Skeeter thrives off of making up rumors and lies about others and publishing them for the world to see. Hermione would lie to “see if she can’t break the habit of writing horrible lies about people.” (37.107) Even though she promises to behave, it isn’t in her nature to stay quiet. In exchange for staying quiet about being an unregistered Animagus, Skeeter has to promise not to publish any lies about anybody for an entire year. Hermione has had enough yet is willing to make a deal with Skeeter. That’s how she found out the intimate details of Hermione’s relationship with Viktor Krum and how she uncovered the details of Harry’s scar causing him pain during Divination class. Skeeter transforms into a beetle and because she is small, and easily ignored, she is able to spy on other people’s conversations and publish horrible things about them. Rita Skeeter es una bruja periodista británica que se especializa en escribir historias bastante escandalosas exagerando o inventando algunos hechos para ser.